Friday, January 4, 2013

Leaving Insanity in 2012

The definition of in-san-i-ty |inˈsanitē|

Sometimes life throws things at you, things that you would never have expected. It’s guaranteed to have curve balls in your life, but what do you do when this happens? Some people learn to ‘go with the flow,’ while others try and change the flow, putting the odds back in their favour. 

What about the everyday things though? The day to day life that one lives? How do we deal with the every day rut that one can find themselves getting in to? 

According to the New Oxford American dictionary, the definition of insanity is:

  • the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness 
  • extreme foolishness or irrationality

Of course we also have heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If you are living your day to day life, doing the same routine, and you’re unhappy and are looking for a change, sometimes it is time for a change! Are you doing what you really love to do? 

I know it sounds like I am oversimplifying things. It’s not always easy to just stop doing what pays the bills, and start doing what you love to do because sometimes what you love doing doesn’t guarantee a paycheque every two weeks. Even if you stay at your 9 to 5, something's got to give. Maybe you need to take a jog in the morning, take an art class after work, go to the movies more often - something positive that will change up the same old, same old. I for instance, write stories, and even started my own business to accompany my regular old 9 to 5. 

Being unhappy is not worth it, and if you think that doing the same things that don’t make you happy will suddenly one day make you happy, then you’re insane!

Follow me +Jessica Alex on Google+ or @Jess_alex88 on twitter. 

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