
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Taking Action

My Quote of the Week:

Action is the foundational key to all success ~ Pablo Picasso

This quote is ironic because I have been slacking with the blog posts this week. You know, with Christmas and all, I didn't have a chance to make a new post about my progress. 

Things are coming along pretty good so far. Word of mouth is doing great. Every time I run in to someone I know, they heard about my book or want to buy my book.  If I'm getting this buzz from word of mouth, I have to keep the momentum going. Next month (which I less than a week away) I will be sending out copies for reviews with various publications. 
Any review that I get, I will be sure to post it right here. 

I have to say I am truly looking forward to 2013. A lot of people look for the new year to start fresh. In a way I'm looking forward to continue the roll that I've been on, but also expand on it in a major way. I have a few projects coming up in the new year (that I will keep under wraps until they become official). 

I also want to take this time to shout out @AfroLengths (Keshia and Marilyn) who are on their way to releasing an amazing hair product for the naturalistas in 2013. I also want to shout out +Maria U who is an amazing photographer, and my official photographer. I know that she has an amazing year ahead of her. I cannot forget +Athena Alexandra Bulbulian who is working on some new projects for 2013. 

Whether you are looking to start fresh, or keep the momentum going I wish you all the best! Remember: take action and just go for it!

My children's book: #whatiftheworldhadnocolour?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Champion Status

Every week I am going to look for a quote that will inspire me for the rest of my week.

My quote of the week:

I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'
~ Muhammad Ali

As you may know, publishing a book is hard work. It's even harder when you decide to go the independent route.

Nobody knows who I am, and has no reason to want to buy my book. The good news is, in the first week of printing my children's book, "What If the World Had No Colour?" I have sold 35 books through pre-orders! My next steps include getting my book online, and of course getting my book reviewed by a well-known publication.

By the end of this week I will update you with my progress, what I've accomplished and any new goals that I may have set!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

FINALLLLLLY! My book is out!

What If the World Had No Colour?

My book, What If the World Had No Colour?, has been printed and is ready to sell. It is a children's book that deals with many issues including bullying, racism and prejudice. It's a fun, easy read filled with lots of bright colours that are appeasing to the eye. So far I have had quite a few pre-sales, but I'm am also trying to get the printed version up and ready on really soon. 

What's also coming soon is the eBook, which will be available through

For more information on how you can get your hands on a copy go to or and click on "contact us" and we'll get back to you right away. If you have a twitter account tweet #whatiftheworldhadnocolour? 

I think it's an important message that needs to be heard, and so far I have received a lot of positive feedback from it. 

Continue to follow me through my journey of publishing my first book as I try to get publicity and sales for it. I know I have a challenge ahead of me, but I know I am up for the task!

Until next time.  

Sunday, December 9, 2012


So since my Social Mediaaaaaa post I made an effort to actually participate a bit more with the social media scene. I first signed up for twitter in November of this year, and when I first started I only had 2 followers for the first few weeks. In the last week I have had seven new followers. For some that may not be much, but for me it's all about baby steps. What's the difference between the first few weeks and this past week? I've been tweeting! Not as much as some people, but again baby steps. Interacting with people is key when you are getting ready to promote any product, including a book. 

I guess the biggest thing for me at this point is all about being conscious of what I am tweeting. I want to express myself, and so far I have, BUT I have to constantly remind myself, this isn't just my 'personal' twitter account, this is the same platform I am going to use to promote my books. I've even found myself deleting some of my tweets. 

Being apart of the social media scene is not easy. It takes a lot of time and effort to stay on top of things. In the meantime, between time, I look forward to keep you updated on my journey to having my first book published!

Oh, and if you were curious, you can follow me @Jess_alex88, you know, just in case... 

Update: my sister still hasn't followed me :P (see Social Mediaaaaaa article from below)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

************* My city! ************

Just wanted to share this photo of my city with you!

Isn't it beautiful?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Company Launch

These are some pics from Upon A Star Books Inc. company launch taken by +Maria U, my official photographer. The event was held on Oct 21, 2012. More photos to come!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Social Mediaaaaaa

I like to refer to myself as the anti-social social-butterfly. What does that mean, you may ask? It means that I know how to publicly speak and interact with others, heck at times I can be the life of the party. However, there are many times when I just want to be left the heck alone!

Then came the birth of social media, where everyone and their grand-mama has Facebook and Twitter and something called de-li-cious...Before you could go to an event, have fun then go home and be one with you, yourself and you. Now, you gotta tweet, blog, and post before, during and after the event.

The last few years I have dealt with people asking me, "Do you have Facebook or Twitter?" And I would reply, "Nope." They would look at me funny and I would say, "But I do have email, or you can text me, or just leave me a message after the beep." Sometimes I would even let them know that we can actually hang out in real life at a real coffee shop...

Then came this book that I wrote...and it was just sitting there for quite a while. Finally I said I can't let this go to waste, so I decided to publish it. Let's face it, nowadays you can't market a product without...SOCIAL MEDIA!!

I used to proudly say that I didn't have a personal twitter or FB because I don't know (or IDK) I just don't have time for it. It kind of felt good to be the one that stood out of the crowd, now I'm slowly joining the bandwagon since oh about two weeks ago. On twitter, since I've joined I have tweeted once, and have two followers. Self diagnosis: maybe I am dealing with performance anxiety?

You see, for some people using the internet and social media is a chance for them to come out of their shell or be something they can't be in person, whereas for me social media makes me feel like the last person on the team to be picked. I see people have 300+ followers on twitter or 1000+ friends on Facebook and I wonder how did they get all those people to follow them? For goodness sakes, I couldn't get my own sister to follow me (to her defense she said she couldn't find me). I guess I'm going from being the anti-social social-butterfly to the awkward-social-media anti-social social-butterfly.

Yes, so I admit my social media life sounds like a sad set of affairs, but like everything else I'll work my way through it, and keep you posted!

In the mean time I'm going to get my folks some fried dumpling, festival, and chicken sausage (can anyone say Jamaican-Canadian fusion?).

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Welcome, and thank you for visiting my page! This a very exciting time for me, as I get set to release my first children's book. Follow my journey in its ups and downs as I get my book published. In today's marketplace there are so many talented writers (and arguably not so talented writers) who now have the opportunity to have their voices heard. This is all thanks to self-publishing, but let's face it, putting out a quality product is not as easy as it looks. It's one thing to have a great story, but you also have to have a great overall product, along with promoting capabilities. I hope that I will be able to achieve this through hard work and dedication (cliché, but true).

I can tell I am about to start going on a rant, so let me just end this by saying - more details on my debut release to come!